8 Layers of cybersecurity that every business should have

8 Layers of cybersecurity that every business should have

No matter what type of business you run, cybersecurity should be at the forefront of your IT strategy. Laptops, mobile devices, and internet-connected ‘smart’ gadgets make it more challenging to keep confidential data under lock and key. That’s why your security strategies can’t be limited to anti-malware software; you need multiple layers of solutions that are managed by a centralized system.

Here are eight layers of security every business needs:

#1. Web filtering

The most common delivery channel for malicious software and phishing scams is compromised websites. Web-filtering technology helps block out the worst offenders while also giving administrators full control over which websites can and cannot be accessed in the workplace. This also boosts productivity by reducing distractions caused by social media and other sites. You don’t even need to manage the list yourself; most options are regularly updated in the cloud by vendors.

#2. Patch management

Outdated software isn’t just slow and inefficient — it’s also vulnerable to security holes that are discovered after its release. That’s why software and hardware manufacturers routinely release security patches for products they still support. You should install these as soon as they become available. With a patch management solution at your disposal, it will be much easier to keep track of every piece of software you use.

#3. Data archiving

Most organizations are legally obliged to retain client records for a certain amount of time, but it’s not just regulatory compliance you need to worry about. Should legal disputes arise at some point, you’ll need a resource that explains everything about a file’s history, who created it, accessed it, modified it, etc. Data archiving helps you retain data integrity by automatically recording all communications and other information generated by your organization.

#4. Anti-malware software

We wrote that you shouldn’t rely solely on anti-malware, but that doesn’t mean it’s not essential. Today, it’s just one of the many layers of protection you need to keep your systems safe. The most effective anti-malware offers proactive protection by scanning for potentially suspicious activity, rather than relying solely on predefined malware signatures.

#5. Network assessments

One of the biggest mistakes cash-strapped startups and small businesses make is trying to handle most of their IT management in house. In many cases, they build corporate networks, install the latest antivirus software and firewalls, and simply hope for the best. However, for the sake of compliance and security, you need access to experts who will never be too distracted or overwhelmed by tedious technology maintenance. Around-the-clock monitoring and regular network assessments from a managed IT services provider ensure you’re always protected.

#6. Staff training

Studies have consistently shown that by far the biggest threat to information security is humans, rather than flaws in technology. After all, most social engineering scams don’t rely on vulnerabilities at all. Instead they focus on manipulative tactics to dupe victims into taking a desired action. That’s what makes staff training a critical part of any cybersecurity strategy.

#7. Data encryption

Whether it involves a lost or stolen mobile device, an unsecured internet connection, or an unexpected cyberattack, there will always be a risk of data ending up in the wrong hands no matter how careful you are. Keeping your data encrypted, both while at rest and in transit, will ensure that no bad actors can decipher it.

#8. Disaster recovery

Sometimes, no amount of digital, administrative, and physical security measures can prevent an attack. However, in the rare event that every layer of security does fail, you need to be prepared for the worst. As is often said, failing to plan is planning to fail, which is why you need a backup and disaster recovery strategy to get you back on your feet with minimal losses should the worst happen.

Zentech IT Solutions is one of Ghana’s leading technology providers. We empower organizations in Accra with a complete range of IT services. Get in touch today to get the help you need.

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