
VoIP softphones or hardphones: Which is better?

Are you thinking about installing a new business phone system or upgrading your existing one? If you are, you have the choice between VoIP softphones and hardphones. But which one is better? This article will tackle the differences between the two types of VoIP phones and which one your business should get. VoIP Softphones Softphones […]

3 Ways to secure Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams has become an essential tool in the workplace, with its ability to facilitate communication and collaboration in a remote or hybrid setting. However, as more and more users rely on this platform, its potential as a security risk increases. Here are the three best ways to help you secure Microsoft Teams. Utilize built-in […]

Your guide to Windows 11 keyboard shortcuts

It’s been almost a year since Microsoft released its latest operating system, Windows 11. And while some features and keyboard shortcuts were carried over from Windows 10, several new ones have been added. Here’s a list of handy keyboard shortcuts to help you get the most out of Windows 11 General Windows 11 shortcuts These […]

5 Handy tips to combat VoIP eavesdropping

Eavesdropping on VoIP calls is a serious business threat. This happens when someone uses a software program to record or listen in on VoIP calls without permission. This can be done to steal trade secrets or commit fraud. To protect your business from such attacks, here’s what you need to do. Change default usernames and […]

4 Ways to keep your servers cool

For any organization, servers are important for storing business data. This is why you should make sure that your servers are well-maintained. If not, their operating temperatures will rise, which can lead to server instability or even data loss. Read on to learn how to keep your servers at ideal temperatures. How does high temperature […]